Adding New Users to an Existing Contact List

Adding names and email addresses to a contact list allows you either to send an existing survey to more people, or to customize a list for a new distribution.

Adding Contacts to a List

To add contacts:

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.
  2. Under Libraries, select Address Book.
  3. Next to the name of the list, click View.
  4. Under Actions, select Add Contacts.
  5. In the box under Enter Contacts, start a new line after the last contact in the list.
  6. Add details in the format email, name. The comma is needed to separate the two fields.
  7. When the list is finished, click Save.

Sending a Survey to New Contacts

Once you have added new contacts to a list, you can send the survey to the new contacts only. To do this:

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.
  2. Under Libraries, select Address Book.
  3. Next to the name of the list, click View.
  4. Under Actions, select Invitations.
  5. Next to your existing invitation, click View Results.
  6. You will see a message confirming your new contacts. Click the Click here link within this dialog to send your survey to the new contacts.

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