This guide is specifically about editing the details of the account owner, meaning the person who uses the account. If you need to update the details for billing purposes, please see Updating your Billing Details
In the My Account section, you can change or edit a range of different details for your account.
If you have multiple users, these changes will affect the master administration account.
Editing Account Details
To edit your details:
- On the Account drop down menu in the black navigation bar, go to My Account
- In the My Account menu, on the left, is the "General" menu. This contains the main account options in a number of sections.
- Overview - this is what opens by default and shows basic account information such as Account number, name, email address and current plan.
- Profile - Edit the title, name, telephone number and business details of the account holder, and organizational details.
- Billing - Shows the stored billing details and billing history. Click Edit Details to change the stored details. As this is the most complicated section of this page, there is a stand-alone guide for this.
- Preferences - This allows you to change default time zone settings, whether you receive the SmartSurvey email, and the default survey page size, as well as setting a default template.
- Change Email - You will need to provide your current password to change the email address the account is registered under
- Change Password - Enter the current password before confirming your new password
- Downgrade Account - This is where you can cancel your subscription.
- Click Save Changes to complete your edit