Editing User Accounts

Editing features allow you to change personal, contact and login details for all users on your master account.

Changing user details

To edit a user's account:

  1. In the Accounts drop down menu, select User Management
  2. Click on the gray cog wheel under Settings next to the user name you want to change details for
  3. The section is navigated, by a menu on the left, split into two sections, Manage User and User Data
  4. Manage User:
    • Click Overview to see all the relevant information about the user on a single page.
      • On this secton, click Edit User Details (Upper right) to edit the user’s name, Telephone number, Avatar, Account Status, and Response Limit for the account.
    • Click Permissions to see the assigned survey permissions, make changes, and add new permissions.
    • Click Change Email to change the email address for the account.
    • Click Change Password to change the email address for the account. You will need to re-enter your master user password.
  5. User Data:
    • Click Surveys to view the user's surveys. from here you can copy surveys to other user accounts or to transfer surveys to another user.
    • Click Contact Lists to view the user's contact lists. From here you can copy contact lists to another user.
    • Click Themes to view the user's themes. from here you can transfer or copy themes to another user.

To change details of the Master Account, use My Account in the Account tab.

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