Filtering Through Open-Ended Answers

As there is an unlimited range of potential answers respondents could give to open-ended questions, you have a choice in the way you want to analyze them.

Searching for Keywords in Open-Ended Answers

  • Go to My Surveys
  • Click the Results icon next to your chosen survey
  • Hover over More in the white navigation bar and click Search
  • In Search Text Data type your search term in the Keyword box - start with one key word
  • Click Search

Setting up a Text Analysis

  1. Go to My Surveys
  2. Click the Results icon next to your chosen survey
  3. In the white navigation bar hover over More and click on Text Analysis
  4. Click Select next to the question you wish to analyze
  5. Click on Categories in the menu on the left  
  6. In the box provided give each category of answers a name and color (from the drop-down list) 

Categorizing Responses

  1. Click the Results icon next to your chosen survey
  2. Click on Responses in the gray menu on the left
  3. Tick the relevant question boxes to apply categories - alternatively tick the greyed out Categorize As button to select all
  4. Click the Categorize As button to assign a category
  5. You can also use the Search Responses box by entering a keyword


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