Printing Surveys

SmartSurvey lets you print surveys quickly and neatly, with the option to customize the way your survey appears on a page.

Use this feature to output your survey to a file in Microsoft Word format for those people who can't complete their response online.

Printing or Downloading a Survey

To print or download your survey:

  1. Go to the Survey Design page of your survey.
  2. In the white navigation bar at the top of the screen, hover your mouse pointer over Options.
  3. From the drop-down menu, click Print Survey. The Print Survey window opens.
  4. Check the items you would like to appear on the survey, such as your logo, page titles or page numbers.
  5. Click Print Friendly to open your survey in a browser page that you can print. Or, click Microsoft Word to download your survey in Word format.
  6. Click Close Window to return to the Survey Design page.

Print Survey Options

Option Effect
Survey Logo Include the Survey Logo in the print file.
Survey Title Include the Survey Title at the top of the print file.
Page Breaks Insert addtional Page Breaks in the same positions as the breaks between pages in the web survey.
Avoid Question Split Where possible, will ensure that questions are not interrupted by a page break mid-question.
Page Titles Include the web survey's page titles
Page Numbers Include the web survey's page numbers
Question Numbers Include the web survey's question numbers
Keep Question Formatting By default, the print feature removes HTML formatting (images, bolding, italics) from the print file to make the print more reliable. Checking this box will retain all formatting.


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