Question Library

If you plan to create a number of surveys with similar questions, it is easy to store questions in the Question Library for future re-use.

Adding Questions to the Question Library

To add questions to your library:

  1. Go to the Question that you want to save to the Question Library in the Survey Editor and select the button with the 3 dots (...)
  2. Click on Add to question library
  3. Select the Folder where you want to save the question.
  4. Click Add question

Creating a New Folder in the Question Library

To organize your questions in folders:

  1. Open the Libraries drop down menu in the black navigation bar at the top of each page.
  2. Select Question Library.
  3. Click the + icon next to Browse Folders in the left-hand folder panel.
  4. Type the name of your folder and whether you want to share it with sub-users and click Save.

Sharing a folder with other users

If you are the Master User of an account you can share folders in the question library with other Users.

  1. Open the Libraries drop down menu in the black navigation bar at the top of each page.
  2. Select Question Library.
  3. Choose the folder you want to share from the list on the left and click the three dots (...) icon.
  4. Select Edit Folder
  5. Click the toggle under Share with Sub-Users to On.
  6. Click Save.

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