Text Analysis

The Text analysis tool gives a number of options to make it easier to review and understand free-text answers to your surveys.

This guide will explain how to use the feature.

For all of the functions, the first step is to click the “Text Analysis” link shown for the question you want to investigate. It’s in the upper right of the box of the data for the question. This will open a pop-up window with the text analysis tool.

The text responses to a smart survey question in the summary report. In the upper-right, the words "Text Analysis" are highlighted in a red box

Viewing and categorizing responses

This is the default page for the tool. From the top, you will see the following:

  • Filter drop-down: Use this to choose a pre-existing filter to apply to the list.
  • Select All checkbox: check this to select all responses so they can be categorized in bulk
  • Categorize as” Button: Use this when the Select All checkbox or one or more individual responses is checked to apply a category to al selected responses. See below for more detail about applying a category.
  • Search Box: Enter text in this box to search all the displayed responses for that text.
  • Response Area: The bulk of the page is taken up with the list of responses to the selected question. Each response has a “select” box, the Response ID, the date and time stamp of the response, the response text, and all applied categories. Below these for each response are two buttons. “View Responses” will take you to view the full individual response from that respondent. The“categorize as” button is how you apply a category.

Applying a Category

To apply a category to a response, click the “Categorize As” button for that response. This will open a small pop-up. You’ll see all the previously-created categories as tags, and you simply click on the one you want to apply the category. Below this is a text box to create a new category.

Creating a new Category from the response list.

To create a new category, with the “Categorize As” pop-up open, enter the text you want to use as the new category tag into the box and click “Add”. This will create the category and automatically apply a color to the category. It will not also apply the category to the selected response. So you also need to click on the tag to apply it to the selected response if that’s what you want.

Managing Text Analysis Categories

The second tab lets you manage categories away from the responses.

The text analysis Category list.

This shows a list of all the created categories, with edit (pencil) and delete (trash bin) options.

Clicking to Edit category allows you to change the text tag and change the associated color.

Clicking to Delete the Category will delete the category form the list and remove it from all responses that have been tagged with it.


The Analyse tab, displaying a large pie chart to show the numbers of responses for each category applied in the previous examples.

The Analyze tab shows a pie chart of the applied categories.  The sections of the chart are shown using the associated colors.

The “Hamburger” icon (3 lines, upper right) opens options to export the chart to various image formats or print the chart.

You can also visualize your text analysis categories in the Results Summary and Dashboards. 

Simply add a chart and choose to "Show" your "Text Analysis" data, this provides you with access to various chart types and display options. You can save these charts as part of your views or dashboards. 

Example chart below showing Text Analysis category data. There is an additional option in the "Display Options" which enables you to show the text analysis categories in the response table as well, providing additional options to filter by category alongside your chart. 

Word Cloud

An image of several different words in different sizes. the word "Templates" is the largest,

This option gives you an image of the most common words used in responses to the selected question.

This makes it easy to quickly identify key issues for more investigation.

You can also visualize your word clouds in the Results Summary and Dashboards. 

Simply add a chart and choose the Word Cloud option. You can save these charts as part of your views or dashboards. 


Word List

A list of words, each with a count of frequency. the word "templates" has a value of 9.

The word list shows the same data as the word cloud, but as an ordered list of words with the number of occurrences shown as well. If you click on a word in the list, you’ll be taken to a the response list showing the responses that include that word – this can make it easy and fast to categorize responses as all the responses containing that word can be categorized in one go.

The "Word Cloud" and "Word List" options will only display if there's valid text for them to display. Numerals, very short words, and certain other blocked words won't be counted.

Export data

The export data options for text analysis. there are two options to select from and an "export to CSV" button.

This tab allows you to export text analysis data.  When exporting, you can choose to have all the applied categories for each response be in a single column, or in separate columns.

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