Viewing and Managing Surveys

The My Surveys page is your main portal for accessing and managing your surveys. It’s accessible from anywhere in the app via the black navigation bar at the top of the page.

Using the My Surveys Page

A quick run-down of the elements on the page:

  • Display Settings
    • Allows you to create a custom default view for the page that will be used each time it loads. You can set your desired folder and sorting order for the page. For more details, see the Display Settings guide
  • Create New Survey
    • ​​​Click this to start creating a new survey
  • Browse Surveys
    • Allows you to quickly filter the survey list to show All Surveys, Favorites or, for Business and Enterprise users only, Shared With Me (surveys that have been shared with you by other users)
  • Browse Folders
    • This box allows you to quickly browse all survey folders that have been created on your account. Allows you to search for a folder and create a new folder. Choosing Uncategorised Surveys will display all surveys that have not been placed in a folder
  • Survey List - this is the main area where you can interact with surveys
    • Above the list is an Organize Surveys button. Use this and follow the instructions to sort your surveys into folders. There is also a search box where you can search surveys by name
    • The Status, Survey Title, Date Created, Last Modified, and Responses icon (gray arrow) can be clicked to sort the list by each criterion
    • Each row of the survey list has the same features - see below:
      • Survey Title – takes you to the survey’s design page
      • Gray Star (appears on mouseover) – sets survey as a favorite
      • Design / Collect / Results icons – takes you directly to these pages for this survey
      • Options dots (…) – gives you additional options:
        • Design / Collect / Results / Preview icons – takes you directly to these pages for this survey
        • Edit Title – edits the survey title or nickname without opening the survey
        • Settings – gives direct access to the survey settings
        • Create a Copy – copies the survey as a new survey; responses are not copied
        • Move Survey – moves the survey into a folder via the Organize Surveys option
        • Clear Responses – removes all responses from the survey. Cannot be undone, use with caution
        • Delete Survey – deletes the survey and all its responses from the account. Cannot be undone, use with caution

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