Adding an Other Textbox or Comment Field

If you are adding a multiple choice question where the answer choices you provide are not exhaustive, then having an Other choice field is really useful. It means you can list the most common options, but ensures that the respondent has the option to provide their own answer if none of those given are correct.

For questions where an answer choice could require a further explanation, or where you'd like the respondent to explain their answer choice you may want to give the respondents the freedom to add their own comments with the Comment field.

When combined with Text Analysis in the results, both the Comment and Other fields can provide very powerful insights that you could have missed otherwise.

Adding an Other Choice to a Question

To add an Other choice:

  1. Click Add Question to add a new question, or click Edit Question to customize an existing question.
  2. In the Answer Choices section, click the Add Other choice field checkbox.
  3. Set the label, size and character limit for the answer.
  4. Optionally, check Require an answer for this to make the response mandatory.

Adding a Comment Field to a Question

To add a Comment field:

  1. Click Add Question to add a new question, or click Edit Question to customize an existing question
  2. In the Answer Choices section, click the Add Comment field checkbox
  3. Set the label and size for the answer
  4. Optionally, check Require an answer for this to make the response mandatory


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