Adding & Managing Pages

Adding pages to your survey helps organize and structure the questions so your respondents don’t have to load them all at the same time. Pages are also critical if you are going to be using skip logic

Adding a New Page

Go to the Design section of your survey:

  1. Look for the Insert Page Here button in your survey. The button appears above or below existing pages
    • You can also split a page by clicking the Split Page button in between questions
  2. Click the Insert Page Here button where you want the new page to appear
  3. Add a Page Title and Page Description or leave blank
  4. Click the green Save Page button

The page title that you enter on this screen will appear in other parts of the survey design screen. In particular, the title appears when you are building skip logic. We recommend that you use a related page title to make it easier to refer to the page later

Managing Pages

You can Edit, Copy, Move and Delete pages giving you full control of managing your survey.

Action Desciption
Edit Allows you to change the page title and page description



Gives you the option to choose where the respondent will go once they have completed the page they are on. The logic options will allow you to send the respondent to a specific page, force complete the respondent, or disqualify the respondent

You can also apply Question Randomization for a specific page



Allows you to copy the page, the copy of which will appear below the source question. To then move the copied page into a different position, use the Move Page button.  Question and page logic existing in the page you wish to copy will not carry over to the duplicated page

Three Dots ("...")


Gives two further options:

Move: Organises your survey by moving the page into a position of your choice. Make sure to review any logic you have applied to the survey to ensure it is working correctly after moving pages

Delete: Deletes the page from the survey

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